Friday, July 23, 2010

Why the 1854-1873 revolt failed?

The defeat of the 1855-1873 revolt resulted in the Hmong diaspora. The lack of a standing army is one of the factors that contributed to the Hmong Diaspora. The other is the lack of taxes.

Without funds to maintain a professional army, the Hmong could not withstand the Han's number superiority. A professional army can withstand large number of adversaries as Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, Fredrick the Great and Israel have proven.

Beside defense, taxes are need for economic growth. The Chinese used taxes to build the grand canal which contributed to economic expansion and growth. The United States used taxes to build one of the best education system in the world enabling America to out innovate and out grow everyone.

Every Hmong I met said the lack of unity was the reason for the defeat. I say they are wrong. In the revolt, all the Hmong came together including the "cooked" Hmong.

They point to the betrayal towards the end. I said every people have the same problem. When you are losing people want to jump ship and save themselves. Look at the Germans during WW II. Hitler was the target of assassination by his officers towards the end.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Analyzing the Hmong revolt of 1854-1873 in China

The Hmong have been in many conflicts in history and have been on the losing side more than not. Let us example one of these struggle so we can avoid repeating the suffering. The last great struggle that led to the Hmong diaspora is the revolt of 1855-1873 in China.

The two leaders of the revolt are great generals and great Hmong leader but the out come was beyond their control.

First Hmong culture is not militaristic. There is no standing army. This lack of an army means only a defensive conflict depending on the other party to give up. No matter how many victories are won, ultimately the other party live to fight again and again.

With a standing army, the Hmong could have reach out and stop any aggression before it began.

Lets exam two people with similiar situation as the Hmong: the Germans and Israelis.
The Germany as we know today did not exist before Fredrick the Great of Prussia. The Germans were divided into many states while at the same time surrounded by the great powers of Europe (Russia, French, & the Austria-Hungrian Empire).

With a standing army, the Germans became masters of the interior line of defense. It is basically the focusing of forces at only one enemy at a time. Fredrick used little Prussia to unite the German people and destroyed the Austria-Hungrian Empire.

The Israelis are surrounded by bigger and hostile neighbors who wish to put them in concentration camps. In the 6 day war of 1967, all the Arab states mobilized for one decisive blow to Israel. The Eqyptians had 100,000 in Sinai waiting for orders. The Syrians had 75,000 along the Israeli border. The Jordanians had 55,000 massed on the West Bank. Iraq had 100 tanks and a division near the Jordian border waiting for word to rush in.

Using the interior line of defense, Israel attacked the Egyptians before they could do anything. Once the Egyptians were defeated the rest of the Arab states fled. In 6 days the war was over and Israel survived.

During the revolt of 1855-1873, the Hmong were unable to bring the fight to the Manchus. It gave the Manchus time to prepare. In 1873, enough troops were mobilized and the Hmong revolt was stopped.

Israel and Germany showed us that numbers are not such a big factor. Numbers only matter when both sides are equal in training, weaponry, strategy, and leadership.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

My Council

I believe the smartest people in the world are economist. They can explain to you how anything works or why. I have great respect for them. The economists in My Council are some of my favorite. I like to share them with you. I hope you will find them as enlightening as I have.

Hall of Honor

I created the Hall of Honor for all the Hmong who embodies the spirit of Txiv Yawg and achieve greatness or great credit to Txiv Yawg and his children: the Hmong.

Paj Cai Vwj brought the French to their knees in Indochina before giving his life so the Hmong can have respect.

Touby LyFong gave the Hmong of Laos a claim to Laos and autonomy.

Vuong Chinh Duc brought autonomy to the Hmong in Vietnam. How many minority in Vietnam can say they helped found the country of Vietnam? Only the HMONG.

Long Quingquan won two gold medals in weight lifting. How many people can say that?

Vang Pao brought the Hmong name to the world.

Jerry Yang is a world series of poker champion.

Brenda Song is a true star that span across culture.

If you know of anyone who you believe belongs to the Hall of Honor let me know so I can add them to the great Hmong in the Hall of Honor.

Hmong means Free!!!

When Dr. Yang Dao first defined Hmong meaning free, I was a bit surprise by that definition. After reading Zhiqiang Yang's article, I now know it means "Free". Freedom from the oppression that is the "Miao" name. A name that is not ours and is used to exploit us.

The Hmong are free from thousands of years of oppression. They are the true children of Txiv Yawg. They have his spirit in them and have finally broken free from the tyranny of the "Miao" name.

For our brothers and sisters who can not say they are Hmong, we will say it for you. One of these days you can openly say you are Hmong and claim your birth right as a "Free" person.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

History of the "Miao" name

People don't understand why we Hmong don't like the Miao name. First it is not our name. Second, it is a name of oppression.

Read  Miao to Miaozu by Zhiqiang Yang, and you will understand.  The word Miao may sound good to the Han but it is an insult to us. It is not the meaning of the word but the use of the word.

Wei Yuan,a Quing scholar, regarded Hmong society to be barbaric just because we have "no relationship of subjection". Is it barbaric to be democratic? Nonsense.

Because of this definition, it gave people an excuse to exploit a person being called Miao. It went even further and included anything that is "ugly". Literally it is a put down.

"Miao" is the name of oppression and exploitation. Being called "Miao" is to be oppress. It is like "Nigger" to African Americans.

When someone calls us "Miao", they want to oppress us. They want to exploit us. Beware brothers and sisters when someone calls you "Miao".

Monday, July 12, 2010

Xiong ChaoZhong Won !!!!

Congratulations to Xiong ChaoZhong. He defeated Yasuaki Sato in a split decision in Kunming, China on July 9, 2010. With this win, he qualifies to for a title fight. Txiv Yawg's spirit lives on in Xiong Chaozhong.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Yia "the Bull" Mua

In remembrance of a true Hmong warrior, let us take a moment of silence for Yia "the Bull" Mua.  Earlier this year Yia passed away on January 15, 2010 after contracting liver cancer six months earlier.  He symbolizes what it means to be a Hmong.  He feared no one like Chiyou and brought honor to Chiyou and the Hmong.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Victim's Mentality

Every where I go I see the helpless victim's mentality that is still hurting the Hmong since the fall at Zhoulo over 6000 years ago. Hmong, young and old, are saying the Hmong are too dumb, can never get along, too selfish, etc. I have heard them all.

Get over it. Chiyou is a warrior and wise. We, Hmong, are warriors and smart. We are Chiyou's children and should live up to his examples. He is a great warrior and revered by China's founding Emperors Liu Bang and Quin Shi Huang. He united nine tribes into a nation. It takes wisdom to bring people together.

Setbacks do not define a person or people. It is how the person or people respond to setbacks that define them. In the words of Bruce Wayne(Batman): "Why do we fall? So we know how to get up." We must learn to get up from setbacks such as "White Water", "Vang Pao's Arrest", etc. We must take responsibility for each setback and learn from it.

We can not afford to blame others for our setbacks because we can not change them. We only have control over our own actions, and we must do something about it. We can not rely on any individual for the fate of a people because the task is too great for any individual. To prosper and thrive in the fluid environment of the future, each Hmong must take responsibility for creating a better future for the Hmong.

Go and make Chiyou proud. May the spirit of Chiyou give you courage and wisdom to achieve greatness.